We Install & Service



Well installation shifted our whole direction. Two local ladies asked us to install a pump jack well. They showed us a location, and it cost maybe $150 CAD to do, so we went ahead and got it done. Each well requires a concrete pad base that takes a few days to set. 

The day we were flying back home from Bangladesh we decided to go see the inaugural opening of this well, since its base was finally dry. There were 15 or 20 ladies that all showed up for it! They took turns explaining to us how far they had to walk to access this well with their buckets, to have access to water. This made us really want to double down on ensuring people had access to these basic services in these regions.

We have a well site at every Toilet Site, but there are also isolated wells in different locations.

We agree that if there are at least three families that desire a well, they pay for half and we pay for half, and we will get one installed so they can have access to water.