We Install & Service



We get our name, “Clear Tin”, from this initiative. In 2014 we started to re-roof houses, and made sure to use good quality galvanized tin (a standard roofing material there). There is a lot of wear and tear on the rooves from heavy rain and sun, so we reinforce the sheeting with bindings between every joint underneath the sheets to extend the life. We repair holes by patching them with tar.

For the toilet rooms, which are separate from the homes, we wanted to ensure that there was sufficient light inside – at least during the day. In the areas we serve, electric lights for a toilet like this would be an extravagant luxury. So, we did what we could, and used sheets of clear polycarbonate to allow natural light from outside. It looks similar to the corrugated tin – but it’s clear! Locally known as “claire tin”, we became associated with this material, and it became our moniker as a result. Those frequenting these toilets have been very appreciative!

Twice monthly, a local worker cleans all the toilets. This includes clearing any leaves and debris that fall on the clear portions, so there is always sunlight coming in during the day.