We Provide

Prison Sanitation


In 2020 we came across a documentary detailing the conditions of a prison in Madagascar. One of our team members works in a prison for a living, and we were so moved by the documentary that we decided we had to see what we could do to help.

In 2022 some Canadian prison inmates saw the video as well, and asked if there was anything we could do to help out (they all agreed they had nothing to complain about their accommodations after watching that documentary). 

Shortly after, we made some contacts in Madagascar and started working on the conditions. We started by providing 550 buckets/cups, and 4,000 bars of soap so that the Madagascar inmates could bathe. We progressed to doing scabies and lice medication applications as that is another serious issue in the compound (it takes two applications per treatment). We are hoping to continue with that, sustainably, until our resources increase to scale the program up.

We’ve had locals expressing interest in getting involved and have a growing team of people there. The inmates are definitely better off, because of this project, and our prison contact has received recognition for helping institute this program. We don’t have direct access for feedback from incarcerated individuals, but on the day we hand the items out, we know for sure it is alleviating suffering and receive a lot of gratitude directly from the countless people receiving these basic sanitary supplies and treatments.