Our Guiding



When we reflect on how we operate, there are clear themes. These are our guiding principles/values.


We want to provide programs that can continue to run for years to come - not only one-time projects.


We want to provide high quality materials and services as we fulfill our mandate.


We want to ensure equal opportunity for eligible participants in the areas our programs serve.


We aim to stretch our dollars as far as they can go to bring value to those we serve, and to those who donate.


There are some concepts that have become integral to our programs as we work and learn in our Service Areas.

Buy In

We like to know that the participants are as invested in the programs as we are - many of our programs are fulfilled as cost splits and partial subsidies for this reason.


We work with several partners that help us bring our programs to life in the communities we serve. We always do independent verification and assess the working relationship on an ongoing basis. It is certainly a challenge, but we are diligent in this regard.

We look for people that demonstrate an ability to give an accurate account of the finances that passes through their hands. We don’t want approximations – we need to see receipts and change for purchases coming back. On an initial project we may send someone to do a small errand. If they don’t volunteer the change or receipts, it’s a prompt for us to have a conversation to clarify expectations, and provide another opportunity to wield the responsibility to our standards. Over the years we’ve caught a few people trying to do dishonest things, or who are begrudging in meeting our requirements when handling funds. On a case by case basis, we may give a second chance, but if trust cannot be established, we must terminate the relationship. 

We have had many tough conversations that highlight the fact that many people living in our Service Areas have to fight for scraps to live off of in competition with many others. We have worked to built trust with our service partners. They must have transparency in their dealings both with us and with other locals. They must be able to haggle on our behalf and ensure we receive fair value for what we pay. This is foundational in our ability to operate in alignment with our principles; to provide maximum value to our donors and program participants.